Friday, June 21, 2013

Book Review : The Lost And Forgotten Language of Shanghai by Ruiyan Xu

Before I get really into the reviews on this book. I would  like to say Hi , how are you and Assalamualaikum to all the Muslims out there. I hope that you guys are doing fine and feeling great and happy. 

So ' The Lost and Forgotten Language of Shanghai '.. The obvious thing that I can say here is that its a complicated story and to those who hate this type of novels then i advice you to not read it because half-way through the story you would feel like giving up. Trust me I feel like giving up myself but after awhile I told myself to not give up on the story just yet.


It's a story about a couple who face such difficulties after a tragic explosion at Swan Hotel. The difficulties that arises was that the husband known as Li Jing experience difficulty to communicate with his family since he consist some brain damage that is known as aphasia, where aphasia is caused by a trauma in the brain that results in communication disorder. His original language of communication is usually mandarin but after the incident he can't speak mandarin at all but instead he can speak in English where it was his first bass of communication .

During my time reading this story, I can't help myself thinking what a horrible experience for the wife known as Meilling and the son Pang Pang. I mean that there is a barrier between them. They can't talk to each other regularly.How does it feel to not communicate with your loved ones anymore? Especially when it's your husband / father. Thus, when there is a third person in the issue made things worst and how betrayal takes place. You can see this in one whole novel.

Other than that, I can't help myself by comparing this to the infamous movie ' The Vow '. You wanna know why? Well its because Fox Movies have been showing the movie for a whole week now and I watched it. To say that this story and the movie is related , I would highly say NO . But to say that the concept is nearly the same, i would say, 50/50.

The reason I say this is because, ironically both of the story consist of a person who suffered brain injury but the different is that in the Novel , the barrier of communication leads to an affair which is understandable but still inappropriate and still would result in a huge damage in ones relationship. But for ' The Vow ' the brain injury brought the two together as a couple even though there is some holes created in the beginning,

You can sense the appearance of loyalty and sacrifices being made in both of the stories.

To sum up everything, I would say that this book/novel is a good read for those who is really interested in this kind of novels and that who is willing to join in the pain that goes through in the story. This is the first ever novel created by Ruiyan Xu.


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